Francisco Díaz

Picking up the Gold for the Best Low Budget Event at the EventoPlus 2014.
Co-founder of Ziran, he previously worked in companies such as Disney, Take 2, Coca-Cola and Nielsen. PhD in Communication from CEU San Pablo University, International Executive MBA from Instituto Empresa, Diploma in Asian Studies and Bachelor of Business Administration and Management from the Universidad Autónoma of Madrid.

He has collaborated with different business schools and universities such as CEU San Pablo, Connecticut, Instituto Empresa, Istituto Europeo di Design, Hokkaido and Rey Juan Carlos, but when two little ones came into his life, he decided to go it solo with his favorite ‘extras’: apprentice coach of future Mixed Martial Arts champions in Dokkodo Team.

95% of the time he is a Japanophile… the other 5% a little less… that’s what happens in international families that follow Japanese rules in Spain: walking barefoot, eating with chopsticks, substituting rice for bread, nodding and above all… the aimae.

Favorite Campaign: Overwatch All Stars

Most Difficult Campaign: Pac Man is back

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